Sealing Machines

What is a Seal Machine?

Sealing machines are particularly versatile for the wrapping of solid products of small to medium dimensions. A sealing machine is able to use different types of film, making it amenable to various product packaging runs, without excessive maintenance requirements. 

Heat sealing, incorporating the use of thermoplastic film, is a key aspect of plastic sealing machine techniques. However, machinery for corking bottles, screw capping, and sealing machines such as crimpers and sewing machines all have uses for particular kinds of product packaging needs. 



Automated packaging machinery, such as sealing machines, has brought countless benefits to the product packaging industry. Packaging sealing machinery brings significantly improved labour productivity on the factory floor, allowing workers to be elevated to less manually-focussed roles, remove them from potentially unsafe or toxic environments, and improve general working conditions.


Sealing machines also ensure consistent packaging quality and hygienic conditions for products, eliminating hand contact which can contaminate the product. Packaging costs are reduced, as are storage costs for loose products (e.g. with compression packaging). Finally, the versatility of sealing machine equipment allows for handling specialised requirements which may vary from product to product.

sealing machine used on a coffee packet


Types of Sealing Machines

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of machines and the methods of heat sealing.

L-sealing Machine

The L-sealing machine is a particular kind of bag sealer which uses a thermoplastic film folded lengthways. The product is placed between the two halves of the film before the L-shaped sealing bar encloses the pack, which is sealed on three sides. An L-sealing machine is often used along with a shrink tunnel.

Side Sealers

Designed to wrap solid products of all sizes, side sealers can use either shrinking or non-shrinking films, and are amenable to the packaging of even irregularly shaped products. Side sealing machines are pretty low maintenance with excellent levels of performance and versatility.

Skin Packers

A thermoplastic film is placed over the surface of a cartonboard blank then heated to form a tight seal around the product, adhering it to the blank. Skin packing is mainly used for the packaging of electrical and small building products.

Tray Sealing Machines

Tray sealing machines are widespread, ranging from small units that perform sealing only, to automatic vacuum sealing and gas sealing machines (for example). Such machines are able to use a variety of types of trays alongside suitable materials. This enables their use across an array of product packaging needs.

Capsule Sealing

For pharmaceutical product packaging, capsule sealing is essential. Capsule sealing creates a tamper-evident seal over each individual pill/capsule, whilst also containing active pharmaceutical ingredients, preventing degradation ahead of use. Equally, some pharmaceutical products can be hazardous to handle (e.g. cytotoxins), so automating the packaging process with a capsule sealing machine reduces physical handling and keeps workers safe. Capsule sealing is also an inexpensive technique, with low impact on plant infrastructure.  

Impulse Sealer

Impulse sealer machines are powered tools utilized to seal various types of plastic packaging. Generally, they are used on poly bogs with hold multiple parts or components. It operates by using an electrical impulse to heat a metal wire. This heat then melts two layers of plastic together. This method delivers an airtight seal which can only be opened by cutting or ripping the plastic.

Cap Sealer

Bottles are usually capped with a tamperproof closure via the use of a cap and bottle sealer. The cap is placed on the bottle and then passed through the sealing machine. This machine uses a non-contact heating process to weld the inner seal to bottles and jars. Once complete it creates a tamperproof closure between the top of the container and cap. 

Band Sealer

Pouches are often closed with band seal machines in a horizontal or vertical fashion. It works with a pair of bands to grab the top of a packet and pass it through a heating element. With lightweight packaging this can be achieved with the sealing bands holding the package itself or heavier items can be placed on a conveyor belt. You can also find these machines with a tilt feature. This enables packaging holding liquid to be sealed with the opening point upwards to avoid spillage.

Band sealing machine


Why is a Sealing Machine Important?

Sealing machines are important to ensure the quality, shelflife, safety, and tamperproof nature of products. It enables you to create an airtight seal at the top of your packaging to stop foreign objects, substances, and air from entering the product. This makes it particularly popular with pharmaceuticals, food, drink, and chemical industries. 

Here are the main benefits:

  • Prevents product leakage

  • Preserves shelflife of product

  • Ensures safety of product

  • Protects the product from bacteria and pests

  • Creates tamperproof seal 

A can sealing machine in action


Search for Sealing Machinery Suppliers 

Access a full list of PPMA member companies who supply a comprehensive range of Sealing Machines. You can also view the list of companies that provide the following equipment:

Block Top Machinery

Clip Closing Machines

Corking Machines

Crimping Machines

Crown Capping Machines

Fusion Sealing Machines

Glue Sealing Machines

Induction Sealing Machines

Plugging Machines

Resealable Bag Machines

Ropp Roll-On Pilfer Proof Machines

Screw Capping Machines

Sewing Machines

Tape Sealing Machines

Twist-Tie Closing Machines

Ultrasonic Closing Machines

Vacuum Capping Machines