Pharmaceutical Processing

Cosmetics Processing & Machines

Cosmetic processing and packaging is market driven and therefore demands for high quality products and packaging is high.

As batch runs have been exhausted to their optimum, flexible process parameters are needed to meet the latest processing trends. The combination of vessel and agitator system developed by various manufacturers offer high productivity, quality and yield.

As well as the processing units themselves, deaerators, heat exchangers, mills and continuous manufacturing plants are also part of the primary processing line.

Processing lines will always contain the basic requirements of filling, labelling, packing and palletising. Incorporated into the processing lines will be inspection at varying stages plus associated services such cleaning.

Aerosol Processing Machines

Aerosols are a dispensing system which creates a mist of liquid. An aerosol can contain a liquid under pressure or can be operated mechanically by hand.

Aerosol processing machines can be single station, automatic indexing machines or automatic rotary machines. All processing machines also require a crimping section.

Tablet Processing

The compressed tablet is the most popular way of supplying dosages. Tablets can be made into virtually any shape but the most common are round or oval in shape that are easy for a patient to swallow.

It is important that during the tablet pressing process, all ingredients are dry and are of a uniform grain size. There are two basic techniques used to prepare powders for granulation into tablets; wet granulation and dry granulation. Powers that are mixed well don't require granulation and therefore can be compressed into a tablet by Direct Compression.

Tablet coating is the last stage and is carried out to protect the tablet from temperature and humidity and to hide the taste. The most common forms of tablet coating are sugar & film coating.