Industrial Cleaning





The cleaning of the process machines will be mainly carried out by CIP (Clean In Place) systems. Depending on the sensitivity of the product being produced, the equipment may be cleaned aseptically and therefore eliminating any possible contamination from outside.

Sterilising Machines

Sterilising machines can also be called, Autoclaves and Retorts. There three main types of sterilising system; static, rotary and pilot or laboratory systems.

General Characteristics are :-

  • Steam-Water spray mix.
  • Top shower for cans and glass jars plus side shower for pouches and trays
  • Indirect cooling system by heat exchanger allows water recovery.
  • All vessel, pipe work and valves and heat exchanger in stainless steel materials
  • Insulated shell with mirror polished stainless steel cladding
  • PLC control with modem connection allows remote troubleshooting and servicing
  • Process monitoring in the operator interface with complete information of temperature, pressure, time and flow
  • Easy product recipe setup with password protected access
  • Optimum heat distribution (+/-0,5 ºC)
  • Accurate pressure control (+/- 0,05 bar)

The rotary machines will use inverter drives for accurate control during the sterilising process. There is also associated equipment such as basket trolleys and automatic loading systems available to fully automate the sterilising process of product.