Unit 7 Kingsmark Freeway
West Yorkshire
BD12 7HW
01274 600942

Flexco has been in business for more than 100 years and is a privately-held company. As an industry leader since 1907, Flexco understands that your belt conveyors play a critical role in your productivity. That's why we constantly strive to make them more productive, through a combination of superior products and sound advice.

Flexco makes products that enhance Belt Conveyor Productivity including:
Mechanical belt fastening systems
Belt cleaners and plows
Pulley lagging
Belt cleats
Transfer-point systems
Belt maintenance and installation tools

Number of Employees: More than 800 worldwide:

Headquartered in Downers Grove, IL U.S.A. Flexco supports global operations through subsidiary locations in Australia, Chile, China, Germany, India, Mexico, Singapore, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.

Product Distribution: More than 100 countries around the world.

The Flexco team of field representatives and global distributors are always at your service.They can help you evaluate your system's performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement complete solutions. It's all part of our commitment to being your most valued partner on the job.

Company Growth:

The company is growing steadily and continues to focus its efforts on developing quality products to meet its customers' needs.

Twitter & Instagram Address - @flexco_uk

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