Bizerba House
Precedent Drive
Milton Keynes
MK13 8PE
01908 682740

Management Personnel

  • Marketing Specialist Victoria Cedeno
  • Sales Manager Industry Solutions: Ian Breeze

Bizerba manufactures, markets and distributes weighing, labelling and food processing equipment to over 90 countries throughout the world. Increasingly, our equipment is being incorporated within complex production and process systems where our state of the art intelligence and data communication facilities can best be exploited. Founded in Southern Germany in 1866, Bizerba today has a leading market position in many sectors providing professional systems solutions in the fields of weighing, information, communications and food service technology. The UK Head Office is in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire with an additional Industrial Showroom and our Niche Software division are based in Blackburn. Bizerba UK is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bizerba GmbH, affording all the benefits & support of being part of a multi-national company.

Bizerba Industry Applications include:

* A full range of Stainless Steel Platform Scales
* Industrial Systems from Goods-In to Despatch
* Weighing Terminals
* Industrial Touch Screen Computers
* Printers; Manual & Automatic, Air-jet & Rotary
* Automatic Checkweighers & Metal Detection
* Manual & Automatic Weigh Price Labelling Systems including C-Wrap
* Intra Logistics & Pallet Labelling

The Bizerba-Niche Systems Partnership brings a host of high quality systems designed by people from within the food industry. This foundation enables an understanding of the very real and often unique demands that are exclusive to this particular market place.

Using technology to provide automated business solutions and offering years of experience developing systems within the food industry; the Bizerba-Niche Systems Partnership can supply not only our standard business packages but also bespoke systems designed to fit your company's individual needs.

The Niche flagship product, Nucleus, aids compliance and provides full traceability. You will see improved efficiency, reduction in stock errors and you will also benefit from improved internal & external communication.

Nucleus includes:

* Sales Order Processing
* Telesales
* Purchase Order Processing
* Process Control
* Stock Control by Location option
* Despatch Office / Fixed, Mobile & RFScanning / Touch Screen Options
* Van SalesDA*Accounting Options available

Other applications include Nucleus "Lite", Trace Systems, Total QA and MegaMix Recipe System.


Products Supplied

Price - Labellers:
From stand-alone table-top labellers to high speed in-line weigh-price labellers up to 150 ppm.
For portion control as well as end-of-line production check-weighing with statistical control.
Weighing Terminals:
A full range up to PC based touch screen scale with IP65 rating.
Food Production:
Slicing machines (from manual up to fully automatic high-speed), mincers, band-saws and vacuum packers.
Inspection Systems:
Multi-functional inspection systems; metal detection, X-ray and vision.
Overseas Reps

Overseas representation

Bizerba GmbH, Germany:
UK Reps

Companies represented in the UK

Bizerba GmbH, Germany:
Weighing equipment, food processing machinery.
Trade names

There are no trade names descriptions registered for this organisation

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