Cedar House
Sutton Quays Business Park
Sutton Weaver, Runcorn
01928 790444

Management Personnel

  • Managing Director Mike Hughes

AutoCoding Systems develop factory automation software solutions to facilitate the set-up and control of packaging line equipment.

In February 2021, AutoCoding Systems became part of JBT Corporation offering greater potential for growth and extensive integration options for our customers, particularly with our sister company, Proseal UK Ltd.

Our standard applications deliver value through automatic device and line set-up, removing operator intervention and eliminating the risk of packaging and coding errors. The various modules enable equipment and applications to work together with minimal human intervention, allowing them to communicate, share data and report back on performance and quality.

Over 1300 lines are now protected by an AutoCoding solution in the UK, US, Australia and S E Asia.

Our customers can be sure that all products leaving their factory are accurately coded and labelled and in the correct packaging.


Products Supplied

Control software that removes packaging and coding errors in the packaging hall through control devices. The standard AutoCoding solution automates the set-up of packaging line devices to avoid coding errors and with the use of barcode scanning, verifies that the packaging is correct for all products. The risk of product recalls due to coding or packaging errors is therefore greatly reduced.
Vision - 4Sight:
A powerful vision application for print, packaging and product inspections. For automatic print inspection 4Sight’s unique feature, known as Inspection Depth, sets it apart from OCR/OCV, allowing users to identify the level of quality they deem acceptable for their application. Additional inspection types include barcode inspection, packaging verification, 3D Dimensioning and Classify.
Pallet Labelling System:
Powerful standard software application that integrates with all leading pallet labellers and interfaces to ERP, WMS and line control, as required.
Paperless Quality:
Automatic in-line/off-line quality checks with data capture reduce the burden of keeping physical paper quality records. Opportunity to run paperless and utilise electronic data capture and reporting from all devices in the line.
Line Performance Reporting:
Automatic capture of real time manufacturing data from packaging line devices to identify and evaluate where potential problems, performance limitations and constraints exist. Proactive steps can then be taken to resume production levels.
Inspection Reporting:
Designed to monitor the performance of multiple checkweighers, metal detectors, combi units and X-ray equipment, irrespective of brand. The reporting tool provides real time feedback on performance enabling corrective action to be taken within the production run. Giveaways are minimised and compliance reporting is aided by the collection of legacy and batch-based data.
Overseas Reps

Overseas representation

AutoCoding Systems LLC, Chicago, USA:
Barrie Fallon Tel: +1 (0)20 8810 0889
Our US office works with System Integrators throughout the US.
AutoCoding Systems Pty, NSW, Australia:
Dean Rockstro - Business Development Manager Tel: +61 (0)418 700 901
Our Australia office works with System Integrators throughout Australia.
UK Reps

There are no UK Rep descriptions registered for this organisation

Trade names

Trade names

  • ACS
  • JBT Corporation

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