Media Pack

Machinery Update is a magazine that does exactly what it says on the tin – it updates readers on everything they need to know about processing and packaging machinery.

This could be a new machine; a recent installation; a component part of a machine; some clever software; an industry issue; a feature on a specific market sector; new people in the industry; a diary date; health and safety information; the most recent legislative changes and any implications these may bring or news from the PPMA, including its range of technical seminars.

It's easy to contribute. All PPMA members are eligible to be included in Machinery Update and we welcome all submissions. Don't worry if you don't have a PR company to put any information together, all you need to do is email me some bullet points and I can take it from there. I work with a lot of companies this way and can even interview your customers for quotes once you have the permission for me to do so.

We are fiercely focused on the magazine. You won't find general business stuff or mildly relevant information for technical folk. We only write about machinery and anything pertaining to it. That is why readers know what they are getting and like what they read.

And don't forget that the readers of Machinery Update are working in manufacturing industry across the UK. So if you want to tell your current or potential customers anything new about your business, tell Machinery Update first. It's a free and quick route to market and building your profile can also help with recruiting skilled people, too.

Don't miss out on this opportunity… we look forward to hearing from you.

Gail Hunt

[email protected]

To advertise in Machinery Update, please download the media pack:

Media Pack (pdf)

or contact: David Chadd - Head of Publishing, +44 (0) 20 8773 5505